Like the artists and designers of the Middle Ages who did not sign their works with their name - because they were designed in a spirit of the common good - Sonöspherik is a pseudonym allowing voluntary anonymity to be maintained; Sound alchemy in the first sense of the term (art of combinations of vibrations), if the portrait is not secret, it nonetheless remains discreet. Sonöspherik has built experience from studies around sound creation, contemporary composition, musique concrete, electronic music and unique musical languages, but also music therapy, sound design (with the award of a first composition prize to the conservatory, an international prize for unconventional musical writing in Italy, a state commission in specific writing contexts in France...) his involvement is based on organic and psychic approaches to the impact of sounds about being (notably with research lasting several years in experimental music structures); Sonöspherik's experience also results from many years of collaborations in varied contexts with musicians in France, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland and Ireland.
Composer/sound designer
Sonöspherik is born from a reflection on practice and pedagogy anchored in the concept of ‘kairophony’ which considers the sound universe as a “potentially musical whole” and encompassing without hierarchy ambient, instrumental, electronic, concrete sounds and improvisation. The idea of "sound non-intrusion" and ethical choice, with respect for informational propositions through sound and vibration, remains a major axis of the approach towards the listener.