To go further...

The ethos of Sonöspherik is based on the concept of kairophony: kairophony, “sound signatures, symbols that speak…”

The musical concept developed by Philippe Festou, notably in “L’oreille au monde” (Editions Delatour) involves all of what is perceived by the ear in a musical principle of exchange where the proposition is shared consciously. This concept thus develops concrete tools for highlighting the symbolic natures of sounds, their correlations and their locations in acoustic space (physical space or recreated electroacoustically).

Kairophony, part of kairotopia, is a contemplative approach through the observation of sounds and/or active through the production of sounds. It allows us to observe in a deep and subtle way.

It is a reading of the world through sound, a “liber mundi” and an affirmation towards it: that of our interaction with its existence. It allows you to have a more detailed understanding of biological, ecological and social relationships, to be able to identify characteristics, signatures, cultural and spiritual axes, and to position yourself at the heart of events. Through consciousness and observation, it is about opening this invisible field of immaterial universes by considering that the sound world provides us with more subtle information than it seems... Since sound has a vibratory, invisible and mysterious nature, we can understand the phenomena with a listening style that can be refined through regular training.

We can compare this sensitive approach with the observation of a “market place”. Each place we find ourselves in the square can be defined by a framework determined by listening. “Kairotopia”: is a portmanteau word that comes from the ancient Greek Kairos (the auspicious moment) and Topos (the place). This suggests a space and a time in which the protagonist immerses himself in an immersive way, going against the tide of a world of "ultra consumption", what is proposed here is to be a real actor through his presence in a time dedicated to observation. We can thus experience sound events in moments that follow one another, overlap, overlap, appear, disappear, surprise or on the contrary do not happen...

Kairotopia therefore offers a framework allowing a conscious relationship with the sound world. It also involves this subjective part of us, also addressing our individual and collective unconscious. It therefore involves our sensory organs and the relationship of listeners and sound events in the same co-creation process. More specifically, kairophony will focus on the sound medium. This observation of a moment and a place first sets the framework for different levels of listening which interpenetrate in a “global listening” putting the contemplation of sounds and their production on the same footing. The “initial plan” (the observed proposition) updates the relationship that is established between the protagonists. The concept of kairotopia considers our daily life as a succession of playgrounds or theatrical scenes which follow one another throughout our day. The energies that we exchange in the interactions of our universe and with objects and people are comparable to a vast experimental site in which we evolve and which we can interpret through analysis and feel intuitively to find meaning and answers to our intimate questions.

Sonöspherik pays particular attention to the principle of non-intrusion by sound; rather than the use of formats in hyper compressed dynamics, of uniform and caricatured sound objects, it is a question of proposing a sound space which opens symbolic and imaginary trajectories; to locate the information in a place that promotes the autonomy and decision-making capacity of the listener.

supportive sound design...

By using different sound parameters, the creative principle does not establish a hierarchy of sounds and considers them of equal importance: concrete sounds, instrumental sounds, electronic sounds, Field Recording, anecdotal sounds...